Yangon, November 2
During the military takeover, 20 people, including one army captain, were killed in explosions and shootings that occurred in October in Yangon Region, according to the data revealed by Than Lwin Times.
The urban guerrilla groups carried out more than 10 attacks in North Okkalapa, North Dagon, Twantae, Shwe Pyi Thar, and Hlaing Townships.
Twelve people, including a captain, privates, 100-household heads, and administrators, were killed in these attacks.
Meanwhile, 22 explosions occurred in Hlaing, Dala, Shwe Pyi Thar, South Okkalpa, Hlaing Tharyar, Tamwe, North Okkalapar, Tharkaeta, Sanchaung, Bahan, Yankin, Kamayut, and Mayangone Townships, causing eight to dead and 37 others injured.

In Rangoon, a bomb exploded at Insein Prison, killing three employees of the Prison Department and five female prison visitors and injuring 18 others on October 19.
In September, there were 47 bombings and shooting attacks in Yangon, killing 15 people, including Retd. Brigadier General Ohn Thwin, and injuring 26.
If explosions occurred, regime forces conducted inspections in neighboring homes, blocking roads and extorting money from the people.
The regime forces have continuously checked the homes of the neighbors If explosions happened, they blocked the roads and demanded money from the people. News- Than Lwin Times