Mawlamyine, December (4)

People with disabilities are no longer receiving enough support and are subjected to increased violence under the military regime, the Myanmar Coordination Committee for Equal Rights of People with Disabilities (MCERP) told Than Lwin Times.

After the military coup, people with disabilities have lost almost all of their rights, including education, health, job opportunities, and the right to live, and they are no longer able to receive assistance.

In the places where battle is taking place, the junta troops torture disabled individuals who do not support them and even arrest and kill them for no apparent cause.

U Zaw Lin Htun, the chairman of MCERP said, and the people with disabilities are losing all of their rights as the regime forces have targeted the disabled for a variety of reasons, and when people with disabilities are subjected to violence, the military council does nothing to resolve their problem.

He added, “During the two years of the military coup, some disabled people were robbed of their phones or jewelry when they went to the office or went out. They cannot defend themselves. They went to the police station and the district administration office to complain, but the officials did not solve their issues as a priority.

Following the military takeover, people with disabilities are losing their existing rights and being harmed physically and mentally.

The Military Council promised to provide the fund of three billion Kyats for the rights of the disabled at the meeting of the Coordination Committee for Equal Rights of People with Disabilities on October 25, but it was not implemented in practice.

According to the 2019 inter-censual survey, people with disabilities account for 12.8 percent of the country’s population, and the number of people with disabilities may increase due to the ongoing conflict, according to social organizations that assist people with disabilities.

News-Than Lwin Times

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