Real vs. Fake News

Mingalabar! Welcome to Than Lwin Times’ Real vs. Fake News program.

This program verifies fake news and misinformation about revolution events spread on social media after the military takeover.

Today, the story “PDFs arrested and cut throat of an NLD executive committee member in Pwintbyu” circulated on social media by military supporters will be checked.

On December 6, this content was disseminated via Kyaw Swar’s Telegram account, which constantly favors the military and disseminates misinformation.

U Win Htay, 45, was detained and cut throat by the PDFs at the entry of Thitchokon village, Pwintbyu Township on December 4 at around 5:00 pm while returning from Magway for family health issues, according to a widely circulated post titled “NLD executive committee member died with throat cut by PDFs”.

The link below is the fake account of a military supporter.

When Than Lwin Times examined the post, it was discovered to be a propaganda.

U Win Htay, a member of the NLD party from Thayatkon village, was arrested by the regime forces on the night of December 4, and his body was found on the morning of December 5. The Than Lwin Times news agency investigated and found that about ten armed Pyu Saw Htee members from the village of Kyaungkon Gyi arrested U Win Htay and took him away holding a gun to his head.

Than Lwin Times’ story link

Therefore, the story circulated by army supporters on social media saying, “PDFs arrested and cut throat of an NLD executive committee member in Pwintbyu,” is just fake news.

 Than Lwin Times

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