Taungoo, January (1)

The Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 2 released a seven-point statement on December 31 that included the factors to boycott the junta’s election as well as its interests.

This statement was made following the 7th Congress of the Brigade 2 of the KNU Taungoo District, which took place from November 16 to December 19.

The statement said that the people in KNU Brigade 2 (Taungoo) should boycott the 2023 sham election that was forcibly held to prolong the military dictatorship, and oppose any actions and interests that benefit the military regime.

The 2nd Brigade has requested that humanitarian organizations provide humanitarian aid, education, and health support to the refugees through the KNU center and not through organizations affiliated with the military council.

Furthermore, the Brigade 2 advised the people to be cautious for their own safety because the military group has been brutally killing innocent people all over the country in a variety of ways.

It added that the 2nd Brigade has announced that it will work together with any alliance groups that share the same values at the lower level to bring about the emergence of a new federal democratic state, the fall of the military regime, the end of military dictatorship, and the end of chauvinism.

After the military coup, as announced on February 24, 2021, Brigade 2 said they would not accept the administrative processes established by the Military Council and CRPH within the areas of the 2nd Brigade, but would strengthen the administrative mechanisms of their KNU.

The KNU Brigade 2 will consistently follow the political and military principles of the KNU Central Committee and KNLA Headquarters.

News-Than Lwin Times

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