Ye, December (3)
The passengers on the bus were robbed of their belongings on Ye-Dawei road near Kanin Kamawt village in Mon State’s Ye Township on the morning of January 2, the responsible officials confirmed to Than Lwin Times.
A gang of about 10 people in plain clothes robbed a bus of Shwe Wei Thu Express heading to Myeik from Yangon after 4 am.

The bandits took hundreds of thousands of kyats worth of items from the passengers and driver, including phones, gold, cash, jewelry, and laptops.
There were 32 passengers and a driver on Shwe Wei Thu busline, and the bandits got off without harming anyone.
That passenger bus arrived in Dawei at noon on January 2.
There have been numerous robberies along the Ye-Dawei highway in the past decade, but this is the first robbery since the military coup.
News-Than Lwin Times