Launglon, January (18)

The Launglon People’s Defense Force (LLPDF) set fire to the abandoned police outpost in Thayattaw village in Tanintharyi Region’s Launglon Township, the LLPFD official told Than Lwin Times.

The LPDF and Special Guerrilla Force burned the Thayattaw police outpost to ashes around 12 midnight on January 16.

All of the buildings except for a dormitory adjacent to the residential houses  were destroyed in the arson attack.

The officials from the LLPDF said that the police station was burned to clear the area and cautioned residents to be cautious in case the regime forces entered the village and disturbed the locals.

With frequent attacks on the police outpost by the PDF, the soldiers and police left the camp on January 13, taking some of their documents and stuff.

On January 6, two policemen from Thayattaw Police Station were attacked while buying palm oil juice from a village shop, killing one and injuring another.

News-Than Lwin Times

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