Mawlamyine, Januaray (28)
The price of betel leaves has tripled in Mon State as there was a significant decline in its production, the betel leaf suppliers told Than Lwin Time.
Depending on the variety, betel leaf cost between Ks 6,000 and Ks 7,000 kyats per viss in recent months. However, in the final week of January, the price nearly tripled, rising from 15,000 kyats to 18,000 kyats.
The price of betel leaves has risen because of the decrease in betel production rate and high transportation costs, a betel leaf trader said.
He said: “the prices of betel leaves are high because the yield is low in winter. Betel plant prefers the rainy season”.

Betel leaves are incredibly expensive, which has caused a stagnation in market and a sharp decline in consumer purchases.
“Amid the military tension, the price of betel leaves has risen, people no longer dare to go to betel farms in the forests to pick betel leaves amid the military tension, so the yield decreases and the price rises, partly because the farmer couldn’t apply enough fertilizer,” a betel farmer said.
Because the price of betel leaves has risen exponentially, one betel quid costs 100 to 120 kyats, and four or five betel quids cost 500 kyats.
In Mon State, betel leaves are mainly produced in Kyaikto and Belin townships, and betel leaves are imported from other townships in addition to Monywa and Patanaw Townships.
News-Than Lwin Times