Thandaung, February (1)
The regime forces launched artillery shells into the neighborhoods of Thandaugn, Karen State, after an army officer was shot there, destroying churches and homes and forcing many locals to leave their homes, the residents told Than Lwin Times.
A military officer was injured last January 27 when a local defense team sniped at the regime’s gate at the intersection of the Thadaugn-Bawgali road in Thadaung (13 miles).
After the attack on the gate, the junta troops opened fire on Thadaung town with large and small weapons, beating and arresting the residents, according to the locals.

The recent shellings by the military council destroyed Shinmarku Church, a house in Ward 3 and three houses in Kyayzudawgon Ward, forcing a large number of residents to flee.
However, the exact number of those who fled is not yet known, but it is estimated to be at least a few hundred.
Currently, the military council has deployed a large number of forces on the Thandaung-Taungoo road and is conducting strict checks on pedestrians.
Thandaugn (13 miles) is in the 2nd Brigade of the Karen National Union (KNU), and there are frequent battles here between the military council and the KNLA joint forces, with many locals fleeing.
News-Than Lwin Times