Phayarthonzu, February (3)

The regime’s air force had beefed up troops in Phayarthonzu in the afternoon of February 2, the locals and the allied guerrilla force told Than Lwin Times.

Due to the situation of territorial control, the military council is having difficulty in deploying forces from the ground route into the Phayarthonzu, so they are sending forces by aircraft.

Yesterday, the military council army sent about 80 troops to the military council battalions based in Phayarthonzu by two military aircraft.

The fighting between the two sides may heat up as the regime reinforces the army, according to the in charge of the allied guerrilla forces.

Last January 23, the Allied Urban Guerrilla Forces – Phayarthonzu set fire to the military council’s departments Phayarthonzu, and the staff were urged to cooperate with the people as soon as possible and to join CDM.

Almost all the departmental offices in Phayarthonzu town were destroyed by fire, and some local residents are fleeing, fearing that the battle between the military council army and the revolutionary forces will intensify.

According to the Allied Urban Guerrilla Forces, the military council has not yet been able to run the administration in Phayarthonzu.

The military council’s administration department in Kyainseikgyi Township declared that the curfew from 6:00 pm to 5:00 am has been extended till March 25 following the arson attack on the offices in Phayarthonzu.

News-Than Lwin Times

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