Kyainseikgyi, February (11)
As military council has extended its military presence and conducted stringent inspections since martial law was declared in Kyainseikgyi and Kawkayeik Townships in Karen State, the local community is now facing social problems and insecurity, the residents told Than Lwin Times.
The military council has issued an order dated February 2 to impose martial law on all 37 townships across the country, including Karen’s Kyainseikgyi and Kawkayeik Townships.
According to a resident of Kyainseikgyi, the military council troops are expanding their military force, providing weapons and food supplies, as well as conducting more interrogations in the townships of Kawkayeik, Kyondoe, Kyainseikgyi, and Phayarthonzu since the declaration of martial law and the residents are also experiencing an increase in social issues.

In more than one week since the declaration of martial law, the regime troops have been firing heavy artillery and conducting airstrikes on the villages of Kawkayeik and Kyainseikgyi Townships without any fighting, and the people are worried because some civilians have been killed and injured.
The coup leader stated at the meeting of the military council on February 9 that the imposition of martial law on the townships concerned is only for criminals and not targeting the public, and that people can move freely following the rules.
The military council’s martial law increases restrictions on religious and health issues and violates the people’s right to freedom of movement, said Saw Nanda Suu, spokesperson for the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG).
Kyainseikgyi and Kawkayeik Township are in the territory of KNU Brigade 6, and in those areas and the Kawthoolei region, there is a military tension between the KNLA/KNDO-led Revolutionary Forces and junta troops.
In response to the military council’s declaration of martial law, the Karen National Union (KNU) stated that since the military council is an illegitimate body that has violated its own 2008 Constitution, they will continue to carry out their missions without being obligated to their statements.
News-Than Lwin Times