Kyaikto, February (26)

The military council and resistance forces have been blaming each other for the killing of Daw Nwe Nwe Oo, the headmistress of Tagay Chaung Phyar in Mon State’s Kyaikto.

On February 23, at around noon, four armed men arrested the headmistress, Daw Nwe Nwe Oo, and later shot her dead.

The body of the murdered school principal was found on the side of the Tagay Chaung Phyar-Hngatpyaw Taw highway five hours after her arrest.

The military council has accused the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) of arresting and killing school principal Daw Nwe Nwe Oo.

“The military council is to blame for the headmistress’s death; the PDFs did not commit the crime; and the details of the incident will be investigated and released,” Ko Aye Min Tun, the representative from PDF-TThanon District, told Than Lwin Times.

He added, “I have no idea which group killed the headmistress. We did not kill anyone. The crime was committed by the military council. I believed they began to use tactics to sow discord between the people and the revolutionary forces”.

According to the locals, the head teacher, Daw Nwe Nwe Oo, is a cool person who has no affiliation with any organization and is not interested in politics.

According to reports, the deceased school principal, Daw Nwe Nwe Oo, resided in the Kyaikto’d Zeya Mon ward. She left behind two girls after her husband passed away around two months ago.

On February 24, members of the military council and the township administration office headed to the school principal’s home and offered cash assistance to the family members.

News-Than Lwin Times

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