Loikaw, February (28)

The Karenni Military Information Center (KMIC) reported that the combined force of Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) intercepted the military convoys that were delivering food to their camps on the border of Kayah State and Thailand.

According to KMIC data, military personnel who were transporting food supplies to border camps were targeted at least three times during the final week of February.

In the early morning of February 26, the KA and KNDF attacked the regime troops that were transporting food to Byuhar Hill in Shataw Township.

The junta army used civilian vehicles to transport food from the Tatamaw camp on the bank of the Salween River, which is nine miles east of Shahtaw, to Byuhar Hill in Shataw.

The resistance forces ambushed the regime troops who were carrying food supplies between Shataw and Salaung village, killing five soldiers, the Karenni Army (KA) reported.

Meanwhile, regime forces escorting the convoy fired back with an 81 mm mortar round, injuring a KA comrade in the leg.

Since January, the military convoy has been trying to transport food from the Shan State by boat along the Salween River and stockpile them at the Tatamaw camp in Shataw Township.

A few days ago, the revolutionary forces opened fire continually from the ground, forcing a regime’s transport helicopter to take a U-turn as it approached the Hwekhamauk camp (Point-1441) near border point BP-12.

News-Than Lwin Times

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