Thandaung, March (5)

The regime troops have set ablaze the houses of local residents in Thandaung (13 miles) and Laiktho townships in KNU’s Brigade 2, Thandaung District, the locals told Than Lwin Times.

The military column invaded Thandaung (13 miles) and Laiktho townships in the afternoon of March 4, setting fire to the villagers’ houses.

At least three local homes were destroyed by the junta’s arson attack, and smoke could be seen near Paku Temple, a resident said.

Since the end of January in Thandaung (13 miles), there have been clashes between the resistance forces and junta army, the junta has fired heavy and small weapons at Thandaung, damaging a church and some houses, while many homes and motorbikes of the locals were also destroyed by regime troops.

A large number of local people in Thandaung town have fled to safety from these brutal acts, and until now, most of the local people have not been able to return to their homes.

In the past few days, the military council conducted searches near the villages of Than Moe Daung and Mee Khat Chaung on the Taungoo-Leiktho road. A child was injured when the regime troops fired small arms into the village of Botegone, Thadaung (13 miles) while some residents were arrested.

There are frequent conflicts between the revolutionary forces and the junta army in Thandaung and Leiktoh townships in the KNU Brigade 2, Taungoo District.

It is said that the regime is frequently firing heavy weapons into the villages, and there are nearly 40,000 displaced people in the area of Brigade 2, the Karen social communities said.

News-Than Lwin Times

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