Yangon, March (7)

Around 17.6 million people, or almost a third of the Myanmar population, need humanitarian assistance in 2023 beyond the coup, according to a statement dated March 3 by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).

According to UNOCHA, out of a population of nearly 17.6 million people, 4.5 million are in dire need of humanitarian assistance, and they are in conflict-ridden rural areas and need to be given priority support.

According to the statement, US$764 million in humanitarian aid is needed for Myanmar people in need of aid, and there are obstacles to helping them due to the military council’s Association Registration Law.

More than 150,000 individuals abandoned their homes during the first two months of 2023 as a result of fighting and armed conflict, while 1.6 million internally displaced people left their homes since the military takeover.

The statement further stated that fierce fighting continues in the southeast and northwest of Kachin State, and that the military council’s restrictions have delayed humanitarian operations.

In spite of the mounting humanitarian needs across the nation, as the military council has reportedly imposed martial law in 47 townships across many regions and states, UNOCHA is unsure about providing assistance to the people.

News-Than Lwin Times

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