Myaing, 13 March

The joint forces of people’s defence forces raided a military camp in Myaing Township, Magwe region, on 9 March.

The military used jet fighters in response to the attack on Well-2 area of Kyaukkhwat oil field, killing one member of resistance force, according to the local sources.

The resistance forces temporarily retreated from the attack due to the airstrike about three times around 9 am, before their second attempt.

Five guerilla members were injured and the 19-year-old Private Phyo Zar (a)  Zar Ni Aung from Black Gold guerilla force was killed in the attack. The casualty of junta troops remains unknown.  One civilian was wound at his thigh, and the locals have fled from their homes, said Bo Let Yar, Myaing People’s Defence Force Battalion (1) to Than Lwin Times.

 Some buildings in the military camp were torched, and they retreated there due to the lack of ammunition.

Almost all the locals in Htanpauk Kone village have fled from their homes while the junta has bombed over Myaing Township four times. Their forces are taking position in nearby Phalan Kine village.

 News—Than Lwin Times

Photo: Black Gold Guerilla Force

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