Launglon, March (21)
At least 20 local huts were torched and two women were taken into custody when the military column raided Thabyaychaung Village and Baeinn Village in Launglon Township in the Tanintharyi Region, the locals told Than Lwin Times.
After entering Baeinn village on March 19, a force of more than 50 soldiers arrested 20-year-old Ma Aye Thu Aung and 40-year-old Daw Aye Kyi.
On March 20, around 6 a.m., the junta soldiers set fire to a tent selling palm oil juice while returning from Baeinn village.
After that, the military column entered Thabyaychaung village again and burned down nearly 20 huts of fishermen and farmers.
Locals said that the army, which has been invading villages in Launglon Township, has continued to advance towards Taw Kye and Thakyat Taw villages, firing gunshots along the way and searching suspicious homes.
According to reports, the military column that entered the villages of Taw Kye and Thakyat Taw arrested more residents, and Than Lwin Times is still investigating how many residents were arrested.
On March 18, the same regime forces that burned the houses of local huts arrested more than 30 residents of Kadakgyi village, and they have not been released until now.
The residents of eight villages, including Kadakgyi, Kadak Nge, Yebyu, Baeinn, Thaybyaychaung and Thakyat Taw villages in Long Lon Township, have fled to safe places due to military operations by the junta army.
News-Than Lwin Times