Yangon, March (23)
The National League for Democracy (NLD) party reaffirmed its decision not to register the party with the junta-controlled Union Election Commission (UEC) at the central committee meeting, U Bo Bo Oo, vice chairman of the NLD Party in Sanchaung Township, told Than Lwin Times.
On March 21, the interim regular meeting of the Central Committee of the NLD Party held via video conference was attended by 90 party members; 40 central committee members, 13 auxiliary central committee members, 21 regional and state executive members, and 16 from the central affairs committee.
The party’s central working committee has announced that it approved 11 resolutions, including efforts to release all political prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as soon as possible, and to pay attention to the wishes of ethnic peoples in building a future federal union.
U Bo Bo Oo said that the NLD decided not to register the party because the military council’s actions were considered illegal since the coup d’état. He added, “We cannot recognize the fact that the military council passed the political party registration law on their own and abolished the Union Election Commission.”

The National League for Democracy (NLD) party explicitly announced on November 8 last year that it would not accept the fake election to be held by the military council.
The junta’s Political Parties Registration Law stipulates that the political party must apply for registration within 60 days, otherwise the political party will automatically become void.
In addition, according to Article 20 (a) of the law, regardless of whether a party is voluntarily dissolved or deregistered by law, the party’s property must be returned to the department and organization designated by the state government.
U Bo Bo Oo responded that because a political party’s property is the property of the people, the NLD cannot value anything more than the people’s lives and property.
According to the law, party members cannot be serving a sentence in prison, be a part of an armed insurgent group, or be affiliated with a group that the government has identified as having committed terrorist crimes.
Political analysts say that these provisions can automatically invalidate the NLD as a political party.
Currently, 33 political parties have applied to the Union Election Commission for party establishment and registration in order to compete in the multi-party democratic general election to be held by the military council.
News-Than Lwin Times