Thaton, April (1)

The civilian casualties continued to rise due to junta airstrikes, and heavy and small weapon attacks targeting civilians in districts and brigade areas controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) in March, according to the KNU's information centers of KNU.

Fighting has intensified between the junta army and the Karen National Liberation Army

(KNLA)-led coalition forces in March, and the military regime has continued to target civilians, bombarding villages with airplanes, firing heavy weapons into the communities, shooting civilians without any reason, killing and arresting them.

At least 20 civilians, including five children and a nun, were killed in the attacks and human rights violations by the junta army in the KNU’s Thatthong District, Brigade 1; Taungoo District Brigade 2; Nyaunglaybin District Brigade 3; Hpapun District Brigade 5 and Dooplaya District, Brigade 6.

In addition, nearly 40 civilians, including novices and children, were injured, and at least 30 civilians were arrested as human shields by the regime troops.

In Thaton District, the highest number of civilians were killed or injured due to the attacks of the regime troops in March while the largest number of civilians were arrested in Nyaunglaubin District.

The military council's attack caused at least 80 religious buildings, schools, houses, and barns to burn down, and cars and motorcycles were also damaged.

The KNU has reported that the number of local people who are fleeing has increased as the military council has intensified its targeted attacks on civilians in KNU-controlled territory.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo: KNU

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