Nyaunglaybin, April (15)

The villagers have been taken away and forced to serve as guides by the junta forces in Nyaunglaybin District’s Kyaukgyi Township, in the territory of KNU Brigade 3, reported the Karen National Union (KNU).

According to the statement, regime troops from the Baw Ka Htar camp deliberately launched artillery shells into the villages, destroying two homes of Mabilay and Ngahpe Inn residents in Kyaukgyi Township on April 11.

The KNU said that a total of 488 residents of Ngahpe Inn village in the KNU-held Kyaukgyi Township were forced to flee their homes by the artillery shelling of the junta army.

On April 13, about 10:00 a.m., regime troops arrested five residents from Kyaukmawgyi Pagoda village and one from Kawtharsae village. One of them was released about 1 p.m., but the other five were taken as guides to the Baw Ka Htar camp.

The villagers were arrested on their way to work or go to the market, the statement said.

The junta army has repeatedly conducted offensives, violated human rights, and attacked villages with heavy weapons, resulting in civilian losses and driving hundreds to flee to safety.

News-Than Lwin Times

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