Yangon, 22 April

The junta regime took legal actions on 20 April against prominent journalist, actress and singer under Penal Code section 505 (A)  which is the charge for defaming government employees in their services.   

Yangon  Region Police said to Than Lwin Times that they expressed their condolences with changing their profile picture on social media with  black sticker just after the military’s massacre in Pazigyi village in Kantbalu Township, Sagaing region, in aerial attacks that killed around 170 civilians.

Journalist U Kyaw Min Swe, Actress May Pachi and Singer Shwe Yi Thein Tan, as well as a 28-year-old woman were arrested on 11 April, and  are now facing the charge, introduced by the military junta, criminalises the circulation of  information with the intent to defame government employees in relation to the deaths of civilians in Pazigyi airstrike.

 A family close to Actress May Pachi said to Than Lwin Times, “Her guardians are working for her arrest. She would not be freed immediately.”

 She and Shwe Yi Thein Tan were prosecuted at North Dagon Myothit police station, and U Kyaw Min Swe was at Sanchaung Township police station.

A source close to Yangon Police Force said, “They were inspected at the Aung Thabyay Interrogation Center in Yangon, and lawsuits were filed at the police stations of respective areas. We cannot disclose more information at present.”

Than Lwin Times tried to contact to Motion Picture Association, Music Association and Media Council for the arrest of these members, but no response has been received.

The figures of Assistance Association for Political Prisoners said that over 20,000 Myanmar citizens have been arrested after the coup.

News—Than Lwin Times


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