Mawlamyine, April (26)

Motorcycles have been increasingly targeted for theft in Mon State after the military council granted amnesty to prisoners who had been jailed for theft and robbery, residents told Than Lwin Times.

On April 17, Myanmar New Year’s Day, the military regime released 224 male and female prisoners from various prisons, detention centers, and jails in Mon State, and the majority of those freed were incarcerated for narcotics offenses, robbery, and theft.

After the military council granted amnesty to the prisoners to mark the New Year, motorcycle thefts have increased more than before, and the locals say that motorcycles are stolen every day and never found again.

A resident remarked, “Three motorcycles were lost here a few days ago. When the marshal was imposed in the early hours, a group of people stole motorcycles. We haven’t apprehended the thieves. Due to power outagaes, we cannot rely on CCTVs installed in the city”.

Furthermore, when people complain to the junta police about motorcycle theft, they do not take appropriate action for security reasons, and even if the people give evidence, they do not investigate and make arrests.

A resident who lost his motorcycle said, “Motorcycles are lost for various reasons every day, and even if we report to the junta police, the motorcycle is rarely found”.

On the other hand, regime troops are patrolling the townships in the state for security reasons, searching and inspecting important places for security purposes, and checking the overnight guest list in the neighborhoods, but they have not been able to identify the motorcycle theft.

At present, the police force is not arresting motorcycle thieves but rather arresting and extorting money from local youths accused of being involved with the People’s Defense Force (PDFs), residents said.

Following the military coup, the rule of law has almost completely disappeared, and there are daily incidents of missing motorbikes, house burglaries, killing people, and looting of property in Mon State.
News – Than Lwin Times

Photo by CJ

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