Ye, May (14)
The military council has been carrying out aerial reconnaissance following the bomb attacks on Warpathe village and the PDF camp in the northern part of Mon State’s Ye Township, which has been placed under martial law.
The junta army bombarded Wapathe village and a PDF camp close to Warpathe village in Baelamu village tract, Northern Ye Township, on the 7th, 8th and 10th of May.
After the attack, the junta conducts reconnaissance by aircraft at least five times a day, Lt. Yan Naing, northern Ye-PDF, told Than Lwin Times.

The attacks have raised concerns among the residents of the northern villages, and most of them have relocated, and the public defense forces have also left the camp.
The junta airstrikes destroyed the homes and property of local residents in Warpathe village and injured four civilians while the bombing of the PDF camp killed three PDF comrades and injured four others.
Ye Township is the stronghold of anti-regime forces and the headquarters of the New Mon State Party (NMSP), which has chosen the path of peace talks, are located.
News-Than Lwin Times