Bawlakhe, May (19)

As the junta aircraft dropped bombs on communities and work places where civilians were living in Karenni State’s Bawlakhe Township, one woman was killed and four elderly people were wounded, the locals confirmed to Than Lwin Times.

When there was no fighting, the military council bombed Saw Lon village in Bawlakhe Township with a fighter jet around 4 a.m. on May 17 for the third time this year.

The aerial bombardment hit two clinics, six houses, a monastery, and ponds used for drinking water in Saw Lon village, according to the statement released by Bawlakhe PDF.

On March 23, a military jet fighter launched an attack on a woodworking workshop near Wanbal village in Bawlakhe Township, where there was no fighting, killing three workers and injuring five others.

Bawlakhe Township has been subjected to three aerial bombardments by the junta army, and the Bawlakhe PDF warned the people to get ready for air defense.

Since March 16, fighting between the regime troops and the combined force of Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) / Karenni Army (KA) has intensified in and around Bawlakhe, and the junta has launched airstrikes.

The military council has conducted 363 airstrikes on Karenni State in more than two years of military coup, according to the statement of the Progressive Karenni People’s Force (PKPF).

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo – Bawlakhe PDF

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