Thaton, May (23)

Three people have been injured after a passenger bus hit a landmine on Yangon-Mawlamyine highway near Kamarsai village of Donwun village tract in Mon State’s Thaton Township, locals and rescue teams told Than Lwin Times.

The accident happened near Kamarsai village around 10 p.m. on May 21 as the bus was traveling from Yangon to Myawaddy.

U Hla Min Tun, 49; U Myint Zaw, 43; and Ko Aung Mon Oo, 36, were injured in the mine attack.

U Myint Zaw, who was seriously injured, was sent to Thaton District Public Hospital, while the other two were treated at Theinseik Hospital.

Junta lobbyists accounts on Telegram circulated propaganda claiming that the passenger bus was mined by the Karen National Organization (KNU) and the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs).

Ko Aye Min Tun, the PDF official from Thaton District, told Than Lwin Times that they were not responsible for the mine attack on the passenger vehicle and that the details of the incident are still under investigation.

 On March 23, a 12-wheeler truck struck a mine near Kamasai village in Thaton Township, injuring two people, including the driver.

Following the military takeover, passenger cars on the Yangon-Mawlamyine road were frequently targeted with mines and shot at, causing injuries or fatalities to the passengers.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo: CJ

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