Mone, May (24)

Some 20,00 people have been newly displaced from 18 villages in two weeks as junta troops have been conducting military operations and human rights violations in KNU-held Mone Township targeting civilians, the KNU reported on May 22.

After regime troops entered KNU Brigade 3 in Mone Township of Nyanglaybin District and targeted the civilian population, they fired heavy weapons into the villages, burned and massacred the civilians, and arrested and used them as human shields.

Naunggon village, which has a population of 782, was targeted by junta troops using drones around noon and two o’clock on May 21, respectively, and locals are still fleeing their homes, according to the KNU.

After the regime troops burned and killed the villagers in Mone Township on May 10, more than 20,000 people from 18 villages: Nyaun Pin Thar, Naung Cho, Daike Pon, Mee Daing Taw, AUng Chan Thar, Kyaung Su, Myaung-U, Ye-O Si, Kaw Pyin, Kyauk Kan, Naugngon, Wesu, Sawei, Kyuntaw, Nyaung Pin Seik, Myaun Yo GYi, Ywar Haung, and Tatkon, have fled their homes, the statement said.

Following the military coup, the junta troops attacked the towns with drones, planes, and heavy and light weapons, and conducted raids, made arrests, and carried out executions, which drove the villagers out.

According to Karen civil organizations, the number of displaced people in the KNU area is currently more than 500,000, and they are still in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo – KNU

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