Mobye, 26 May

Military’s jet fighter carried out   attacks on an IDP camp near Moebye Township in Kayah state on 23 May  night, said Mobye PDF to Than Lwin Times.

Without any conflicts, two airstrikes were conducted around 10 pm, followed by artillery attacks, damaging some houses at IDP camp and other houses in Mobye Township.  An IDP woman was wounded in the attack, and she was taken to the hospital. Her condition remains unknown.

Local reports said that artillery attacks were carried out by the military’s Battalion (102) based in Demoso Township, but Than Lwin Times has not confirmed it independently.

After the attacks, the IDPs have fled to remote areas to avoid more attacks of the military.

 Clashes are intensifying  between the junta troops and local defence forces near Mobye Township close to the border area of Shan and Kayah states.

The military is preparing joint offensives of  light infantries 10, 12 and 14 under Brigade (66) in this area.

  As the military is targeting civilians in Kayah state, over 200,000 IDPs have fled to deep forests out of  the range of heavy weapons of military.  

 News—Than Lwin Times

Photo—CJ in Moebye Township

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