Belin, May (28)
A firefight between two factions in Mon State’s Belin Township, killed two civilian children and injured five more, according to the locals and KNU’s Allied Oversight Committee.
On the morning of May 27, a joint force of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) attacked junta troops stationed near Daung Ywar village in Belin Township with a drone.
A bomb exploded in the yard of U Saw Ba Khet of Daung Ywa village, killing his 16-year-old nephew Saw Moe Htet and Saw Maw Kha.
After being attacked, the No. 314 artillery fired at least 10 heavy weapons into Ah Win Gyi village in Belin Township.

The junta shells fell into the monastery of Ah Win Gyi village and exploded, injuring one monk, two novices, one young man, and a villager, and damaging some buildings.
The chairman of the KNU’s Allied Oversight Committee expressed his sadness for the shooting deaths of two youngsters, apologized for the incident, and committed to directing the ground teams to avoid future incidents of this kind.
After the military coup, there have been frequent clashes between the regime forces and the joint force of KNLA in Belin township, and the junta is firing into the villages with heavy weapons every day.
More than 7,000 local residents have been displaced by the military council’s heavy weapons fire, and the IDPs are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, according to Karen civil organizations.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo: CJ