Mone, June (6)

The junta artillery shelling has newly displaced more than 4,000 people in Mone Township in KNU Brigade 3 of Nyaunglaybin District, reported the Karen National Union (KNU).

Around 8:30 p.m. on May 29, regime troops launched two shells into Meedaing village and one into Aung Char Thar village in Mon Township village, followed by five shells into Thar Si village and ten shells into Kyatat Nyaung Pin village on May 30.

The continued shelling by the junta army damaged one house, and the local people fled the village in fear, the KNU reported.

Targeted attacks by the regime forces on the people have forced residents of Thar Si, Kyatat Nyaung Pin, Hnaungtaw, Kanyin Kya, and Thaman Kyin villages of Mone Tonwship, which have a population of more than 4,243, to flee.

According to KNU, the local people are suffering many difficulties since they are unable to work because they have been forced to flee their houses, and they require emergency assistance such as food, shelter, health, and life security.

As of May 10, there were more than 28,000 refugees in KNU’s Mone Township, and now more than 4,000 more refugees have newly arrived, bringing the total to more than 32,000, said the KNU.

News-Than Lwin Times


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