Mawlamyine, June (16)
The armed resistance forces operating in Mon State have reached a point where they can take control of some areas more than two years after the military takeover, the members of the PDFs told Than Lwin Times.
The People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) attacked the regime’s military and administrative targets as guerilla forces at the start of the military coup, and have now shifted into raiding operations.
In Mon State, which has 10 townships,
The resistance forces have been active in the southern regions, such as Thaton, Kyaikto, Belin, Ye and Thabyuzayet townships of Mon State, which has 10 townships, and frequently engaged with junta forces.
Ko Aye Min Tun, PDF official of Thaton District, said, “During the two years of the coup, the territorial control of the revolutionary forces, including the KNLA, has reached the closest point to the regime forces, and the military council has changed its strategy to defensive one. The regime troops destroy roads and bridges and use more artillery fire and airstrikes. We have our own strategies”.
There are 26 local defense forces in Thaton District, including the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), an armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU).
In more than two years since the military coup, there have been several clashes between the junta army and local resistance forces, including the KNLA, and the military council has relinquished the three camps of Kyat Thaung Seik, Lesot Lot and Zeegon.
The spokesperson of Mon State Revolutionary Forces (MSRF) said, “The administrative mechanism and rule of law are on the brink of collapse in Ye and Thanbyuzayet, and revolutionary forces can move freely in some villages at any time. Crime and theft incidents are on the rise. Many police stations in Ye and Thanbyuzayet were closed”.

There are at least 12 local resistance forces fighting against the military dictatorship in Ye Township, and they are targeting junta battalions and departmental offices, including police stations. At least six regional police stations in Ye and Thanbyuzayet Townships have been abandoned by policemen who no longer dare to stay.
A resident of Ye Township says that the PDFs claimed that they could control the area, but in some places where there are no gunfire and explosions, the administrative mechanisms of the military council are still running, so they are facing difficulties.
On the other hand, the military council has deployed troops on the front lines almost all over the country, and the military strength has been weakened in more than two years since the coup, and the militia and the Border Guard Force (BGF) have been assigned to the outposts and security gates.
Lieutenant Yan Naing, in charge of the Ye PDF said, “the junta army only conducted artillery shelling from their territory, and invasions are no longer possible, it can control less than 50 percent of the territory in Ye Township. The military council can no longer control the northern part of Hnint Karen, Ye and the southern part of Thanbyuzayet”.
Although the military council has full control over Mawlamyine, Paung, Chaugnson and Mudon townships in Mon State, they are worried about their security.
The military council can only control some neighborhoods and villages in Kyaikmaraw Township where KNLA joint forces are active, relinquishing some parts of the Mawlamyine-Chaung Hna Khwa road.
Ye Township is one of the largest townships in Mon state in terms of its geographical position, and it is an area controlled by the ethnic armed organization, New Mon State Party (NMSP), and there are some areas controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU). The KNU Brigade 6 said that their forces are now able to control Mawlamyien, Mudon, Thanbyuzayet, Ye, Dawei Myeik and No. 8 Road.
The allied revolutionary forces will soon step up the operations in Ye Township, and the people are requested not to travel unnecessarily, and to accept the inspection by the resistance forces.
Military analysts believe that in the coming open season, the military council may seek to defend against the possibility of attacks by revolutionary forces on the cities and military bases it currently controls, and may use more weapons and airstrikes, as well as attacks on innocent people.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo-Ye PDF