Sittwe, July (2)

In Rakhine State, the military council reported that half of the power lines destroyed by the storm in towns and villages had been repaired, but residents said that this was a lie and that residential areas remained without power.

Local people have been without power for about two months now and rely mainly on solar energy.

People rely mainly on solar power, but currently they are finding it difficult to get sunlight during the rainy season.

According to a resident of Rathaedaung, the military council prioritizes providing electricity to departments and pagodas but not for residential areas.

In addition, the military council’s statement that 50 percent of electricity maintenance has been completed is different from the ground situation, and the source said that only 25 percent of those has been completed.

The military regime’s Ministry of Electricity said in the last week of June that the storm-damaged power lines and power plants in northern Rakhine State have been repaired, and that the restoration of village power lines has been completed at 49.35 percent.

The military council declared in June that it had provided electricity to the residents of Rakhine State, although there are discrepancies in reality.

News-Than Lwin Times


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