Kawthoolei, July (6)
Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win, the chairman of the Karen National Union (KNU), said it is vital to remain politically vigilant at all times to achieve the political goals of the Karen people, collaborating with all ethnics and organizations that oppose dictators and tyrants.
The KNU’s President Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win sent a message to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), Kawthoolei on July 5.
The Karen National Liberation Army is of great importance for protecting the Karen people’s lives and homes from destruction and for political purposes, and the current political and military situation is completely different from situations that have occurred throughout history, he said.
The message states that the military regime treats the people as enemies and fires heavy weapons into communities, bombarding villages, hospitals, schools, monasteries, and Christian churches.

In addition, the Karen revolutionary forces must keep in mind themselves as Karen nationals and fight against the enemies of Karen nationals and the people, the KNU chairman said.
The KNU and KNLA (Kawthoolei) need to do more effective actions to protect Karen people’s lives, property, Karen people’s politics and the people as a whole.
In addition, it is necessary to take advantage of the rights gained and establish public services, own security systems and procedures, and there are good opportunities to create own destiny and right to self-determination in the current time of great challenges, said Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win.
Pado Saw Kwe Htoo Win was elected as chairman at the 17th KNU Congress held in May, and the Karen National Union (KNU) is working with allied organizations to fight against the military regime.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo: KNU