Mobye, 7 July

 Military killed 33 civilians in Mobye town near the border of Shan and Karenni states in June.

The Karenni National Defence Force said to Than Lwin Times that some civilians were shot dead and some others were killed in heavy weapon shelling of the military which was trying to take position in Mobye since early June.

More civilians also go missing until now, said KNDF’s spokesperson Ko Phyo.

“The military used excessive forces in their offensives. Many civilians were stranded in the town. The military killed them. We discovered 33 bodies, but some are still missing,” he added.

The victims include a 10-year-old child, and the military has controlled the entire Mobye town.

The reports of Progressive Karenni People Force said that civilian death toll in Karenni state has reached 365 after the coup.

News—Than Lwin Times

Photo– Mobye People Defense Force

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