Ye, July 8

The joint revolutionary forces raided the military council’s communication tower camp based on a hill in 14-mile village in Mon State’s Ye Township, reported Ye Guerrilla Force.

On July 6, about 11:00 p.m., the KNLA Battalion 27 and Ye Guerilla Force raided the camp, which housed more than ten military personnel, including officers.

During the raid on the camp, the regime troops did not fight back and burned down the communication tower and the camp, Lieutenant Kyan Yit of Ye Guerilla Force told Than Lwin Times.

As the raid took place at night, the revolutionary group could not confirm the number of casualties, but the regime forces fled the camp.

The guerrilla force reported that they seized claymore mine also known as anti-personnel mine, grenades, bullets, ammunition boxes, 40-mm mortars and related materials from the junta army in the raid on camp hill.

The communication tower camp is an important place to connect the communication devices of the regime units in Tanintharyi Region and Mon state and is located one mile away from Light Infantry Battalion 299.

On June 25, regime troops stationed at a police outpost in Hnit Karen village, Ye township, were attacked, killing one policeman and injuring a soldier.

Since June of this year, Ye township, which has been declared under martial law, has seen frequent clashes between the military council and the revolutionary forces, and tensions remain high.

News-Than Lwin Times

Photo-Ye Guerrilla Force

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