Htantabin, 8 July

Military carried out airstrikes in fighting against the joint force of KNLA in Hlelanku village of Htantabin township, Bago region, on 6 July.

Yoma column (2) of Special Commando Battalion under Sub-region 2 of Southern Military Command reported that the clashes occurred when 50 members of military troop entering Hlelanku village were fought by the resistance force. The former retreated in disarray.

 The joint resistance force carried out drone attack from 8 to 11 am, and raided the houses where military forces were taking positions.

The military used Mi-35 helicopters in 12 aerial attacks and took their wounded soldiers. In the afternoon, their helicopters carried out seven attacks to bring out their stranded forces, the report of resistance force said.

Around 30 soldiers were killed while they tried to retreat from the attacks.

During the conflict, Company Commander of Special Commando Nan Wai Oo died from gunshot injury. Another commando, an officer and a comrade of KNLA got minor injuries.

News—Than Lwin Times

Photo—An Mi-35 helicopter of military in aerial attack

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