Myawadi, 22 July

Myanmar military’s camp near Myawadi township, Kayin state, was controlled by joint resistance forces led by Battalion (6) of Karen National Liberation Army on 21 July, according to the report Cobra column.

KNU/KNLA’s Battalion (6), Cobra column (1), Black Leopard column and Federal Wing drone force began raiding the military’s camp on Letkhettaung hill around 6 am on 20 July.

Around 5 am in the following day, the joint forces could control the entire camp, and six members of resistance forces were injured in the battle.

The camp was defended by No (118) Light Infantry Battalion and the Infantry Battalion (8), and their causalities have not been identified.

Communication device, bombs, landmines, rockets, magazines, bullets, heavy weapons and other military equipment were seized, according to the report of Cobra column.

News—Than Lwin Times


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