Loikaw, July (28)

Fighting intensifies in a number of places in Kayah State due to the full-scale invasion of junta forces who attempt to regain control of the territory, resistance forces told Than Lwin Times.

Starting on July 21, the fighting began to intensify when four columns of 300 junta troops advanced towards Shan Wan Aung and Kyaung Pan Nyo villages on the east side of Than Lwin Bridge.

The outnumbered junta army used heavy artillery and air strikes to crack down the resistance fighters.

The military council is currently strengthening its units with infantry soldiers from the south of Shan State along the Loikaw-Mobye road or with military vehicles, while almost 400 infantry soldiers and 70 military vehicles have entered via the Mobye road.

The military council’s reinforcements were ambushed by revolutionary troops, and the conflict intensified, said U Banyar, the secretary of the Karenni Interim Executive Council of Karenni State (IEC).

He added, “Fighting has been raging in Loikaw and Mobye Road. Civilian casualties were reported. The clashes also erupt in Yway Thit, Balakhe, Maese, and Phar Saung. The junta army extended its military presence”.

According to the revolutionary forces, new military divisions arrived in Kayah State this year, and the 99th and 55th Divisions joined the battle.

In Kayah State, the junta army has engaged in battle with the anti-regime forces: Pharsaung PDF, Bawlakhe PDF, Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF), KNDF Battalion 20, and Karenni Revolution Union (KRU) on a daily basis.

The junta army’s targeted attacks on civilians have forced local residents to flee, and civilian homes have been burned down by regime forces.

According to a statement issued by the Progressive Karenni People’s Force (PKPF), 729 clashes have occurred in Kayah State in the more than two years since the military coup.

News-Than Lwin Times

Photo-Social Media

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