Thaton, 29 July

One civilian was killed and four others were wounded when the junta army deliberately fired heavy weapons into Htone Bo Lay village in Thaton Township, Mon State, according to KNU-Thaton District.

The battle broke out on July 27 morning when the joint force of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) attacked the Light Infantry Battalion based in Wi Yaw Village.

The junta retaliated with at least 40 heavy weapon fire from their base into the surrounding villages, killing 18-year-old Saw Ae Kaw Shee on the spot, and injuring four others by shrapnel in Htone Bo Lay village.

Two comrades from the KNLA joint forces were killed and two others were injured in the clash, while four members of the junta forces might have been killed, a source in Thaton-District said.

However, the military council’s artillery firing into civilian communities amounts to war crimes, according to the statement.

On July 25, the regime forces that raided the village of Shwe Yaung Pya village in Thaton Township arrested two civilians as human shields, of whom U War So from Marangon village has been released, said the KNU-Thaton.

More than 1,000 people from nearly 200 households in Mikyaung Ai, Khalauk Inn, and Mayangon villages have fled the junta raid in Thaton.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo- KNU

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