Winre, 31 July

Karen National Union’s Battalion 6 is providing healthcare services to the displaced persons from conflict affected areas in Winre and Kyainseikkyi townships.

Nearly 4,000 people from nearby villages fled from heavy weapon attacks of the military since the end of June.

The displaced persons are facing hardships in their living during the rainy season, and that local civil society organizations are proving them with foods and healthcare services through KNU.

The Free Burma Ranger group is also distributing humanitarian aid to IDPs in Khalal Tagondine village-tract of Winre township.

The armed clashes between   military council and   resistance forces in Dupalayar district have forced locals to flee from their homes, and they are in need of shelters, blanket, mosquito net, basic food items and medicines.

The basic food items of rice, cooking oil and instant noodle were also given to displaced persons through Winre Area Emergency Aid Committee  for IDPs (Lower) on 10 July.

 News—Than Lwin Times


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