Loikaw, 5 August

 Military council is sending arms and supplies to Karenni state where armed conflicts are intensifying after the military coup.

The military has used over 100 vehicles for the logistics from southern Shan state and Karenni state from 24 to 27 July.

Khue Ri Due, the chief of military affairs at Karenni Nationalities Defence Force, said that their forces ambushed the military convoys carrying 10 soldiers and ammunitions, and the junta soldiers have entered No. 54 Infantry Division in Loikaw.

“We could destroy only two military rucks around 7 pm.  We assumed that they are accumulating food supplies for   monsoon.,” he added.

 Moreover, the joint forces of KNDF attacked the military convoy and its column between Konetharand Warikaw villages beside Union Highway on 24 July, killing  some soldiers, destroying two vehicles and confiscation  of arms and ammunition.

After the eight-days battle, 20 soldiers died, and five MA-1 guns, 1 MA-2 gun, 2 MA-3 guns and ammunitions were confiscated, according to the report of KNDF.

The report  of Progressive Karenni People Force said that they could destroy 64 cars and an airplane of the military during the battles.

A total of 2,230 junta soldiers have been killed in the battles of Karenni state after the country, and the military is reinforcing its troops in the state.

News—Than Lwin Times

  Photo: KNDF

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