Kawthoolei, 12 August

General Staff Officer (First Class) Brigadier General Saw Tar Malar Thawka of Karen National Liberation Army said that their forces could control more areas, while the military council becomes defensive.

During an online press conference of Karen National Union on 10 August, Saw Tar Malar Thawka said the offensives of KNU has reached to Sittaung river in northern part, to Nyaunglaybin district in western part, Ye, Dawei, Bilin, Thahton and Kyaikhto in southern part of Karenni state.

“KNU can mobilize the troops as the control area has been expanded. Moreover, KNU is supporting Bago Yoma mission which is very close to Yangon and Ayeyawady regions” said Brigadaier General Saw Tar Malar Thawka.

Meanwhile, the mobilization of military has gradually declined, supplies are being sent only by aircrafts, while jet fighters and helicopters are being used to protect their frontline camps.

“As the military is concerned about their security near the towns, they destroyed the entry roads by backhoes to prevent travels of motorcycles and car. They have now turned into defensive position. They have no capacity anymore to conduct strategic offensive. Instead, they are using heavy weapons and jet fighters.”

  Women, children and religious leaders were among the victims of military’s airstrikes and heavy weapon shelling. These attacks destroyed religious buildings, schools and houses, and forcing hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee.

KNU also urged soldiers to join people.

 News—Than Lwin Times


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