Palaw, 12 August
The junta troops increase security checks at entry and exit gates in Tanintharyi Region’s Palaw Township, where martial law has been imposed, and beefed up security, locals told Than Lwin Times.
Since early August, the military council has tightened security at entry and exit checkpoints and has been conducting thorough searches of travelers.
A local said that the military council is also checking phones and belongings from travelers and sometimes confiscating them if they don’t receive the money they asked for.

Travelers say that the military council’s Nan Taung Checkpoint, No. 5 Checkpoint, and Magyitaw Checkpoint in Palaw Township are the worst checkpoints in terms of inspection and extortion.
The junta army, which has tightened security in Palaw Township, used to fire heavy weapons at the villages controlled by the revolutionary forces every night.
The military council is able to control some neighborhoods due to the opposition of revolutionary forces in Palaw Township, where martial law has been declared.
News-Than Lwin Times