Thaton, 22 August
The military council’s aircraft bombarded the area near Payitkho in Mon State’s Thaton Township on 21 August despite no fighting there, the spokesperson of KNU-Thaton District told Than Lwin Times.
The air strikes by two fighter jets happened around 3:00 p.m. The target is the site of former headquarters of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Brigade 1. No one lives there anymore, and the damage remains unknown.

Since the beginning of last month, conflicts have intensified in KNU-Thaton Township between the junta army and the KNLA combined forces, with the aerial attacks of military.
In May last year, the military council’s helicopter gunships strafed Lay Kay village in Belin Township, destroying at least 10 local houses.
News-Than Lwin Times
Photo- CJ