Yangon, 24 August

Military court in Insein township has sentenced a hip-hop singer to 20 years in prison for his video complaining shortage of electricity in Myanmar, said the sources closed to his family to Than Lwin Times.

Singer Byu Har was arrested after his video on social media on 25 May about frequent blackout in Yangon.

He was first charged with Section 505 (a), and additionally faced  Section 124 of the Penal code usually referred to as treason and carries a penalty of seven to 20 years of imprisonment.

“The military court in Insein made the sentence. He is known well. But family members are not allowed to visit him,” a source close to his family said to Than Lwin Times.

Although Than Lwin Times tried to seek the remark of Byu Har’s father, composer U Naing Myanmar, on the sentence, he has not responded the request.

The Assistance Association of Political Prisoners reported that nearly 25,000 persons have been arrested after the military coup.

News- Than Lwin Times

 Photo—Byu Har Facebook

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