Kawkareik, 25 August

 A soldier from border guard force defected with his gun and ammunitions to Cobra column-P29907 of People’s Defence Force under No.3 Sub-military command of Southern Region Command on 17 August.

  National Unity Government stated that the defector is identified as Private Aung Ko Oo from No.930 Logistic Unit in Taungoo township, and he brought one M16-A1, its five magazines and 150 bullets together with him.

The statement also said that both potential defector and informant may contact nearby PDF units and People’s Defence Organization in person or Telegram Channel @MyanmarPeople of the  People’s Embrace as the Ministry of Defence under NUG is welcoming anyone who decided to stand with people.

In the aftermath of military coup, over 20,000 members of soldiers and police members have joined people’s forces and are fighting against the military regime.

 Than Lwin Times

Photo: MoD

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