Yangon, 3 September
Not only two-digit and three-digit lottery games but also gambling activities such as cockfights, and card and dice games, are widespread in 105 of Myanmar’s 330 townships, according to a research group ISP-Myanmar.
According to ISP-Myanmar’s surveys, cockfights, card games, and dice games have been operating commercially in 16 or more neighborhoods and village tracts in each township between May and July this year.
Two-digit and three-digit lotteries are found in 68 out of 110 townships and 16 village groups, while other gambling can be found in 41 townships, the report of ISP-Myanmar said.
Festivals similar to Arwarday (gambling hubs) have been set up in various parts of the country for numerous gambles, and there are still online gambles such as football, lottery, and Shan Koe Mee.

“I believe the spread of gambling is due to the administration and security groups themselves taking bribes,” said U Than Soe Naing, a political analyst.
According to ISP-Myanmar polls, gambling rings have grown in neighborhoods and at religious festivals since the military coup, and gambling rings have been allowed to operate in Mandalay during the festival season, with armed police and soldiers in plainclothes providing security.
Furthermore, as the economy declined following the military coup, more and more people got stuck in the mire of gambling all throughout the country, and people have to rely on gambling as a result of the due to food shortages, a declining economy, and a lack of job opportunities.
The ISP-Myanmar survey chose 75 out of 110 townships, and among the remaining 35 townships, the townships with the largest population and economically important townships were prioritized using the regional data monitoring and study method since May of this year.
News-Than Lwin Times