Five ethnic armed organizations signed Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement and the military appointed the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) held meeting in Nay Pyi Taw from 29 to 31 August.

The press release said that both sides signed four points of fundamental agreements resulted from negotiation and five points of common agreements  for future plan.

This interview with Daw Saw Mra Raza Lin, the spokesperson of five NCA signatory EAOs, is about development of peace negotiation, the points of signed agreements, and their policy supporting NCA.

TLT: What were the discussions between the military council and the five EAOs of NCA signatory?

Saw Mra Yarzar Lin: The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement was signed to end over 70-year old civil war of the country. However, the problem becomes bigger. It is not good for the country. Instability of the country has caused economic hardship in the country. Many have left the country. It is a negative result for the country. We are trying for peace and development of the country. Return of resources is expected. The topics of discussion have been mentioned in the press release. But it is not the right time to mention the points of signed agreement.

TLT: The press release said that four points of fundamental agreements resulted from negotiation and five points of common agreements  for future plan were signed. What are the agreements?

Saw Mra Yarzar Lin: The current NCA is the first peace document after 1974. It cannot be said that this agreement has been annulled because it was signed by head of state, Hluttaw members, military leaders and 24 senior officials from eight ethnic armed organizations in the presence of international and local witnesses. Instead saying NCA has been invalid, it should be developed to reduce its weakness. It can be amended. Even the state constitution was amended. Although there is no Hluttaw, NCA should not be annulled. Peace negotiation must be continued, and the core points of NCA must be maintained.

TLT: Some senior officials of ethnic armed organizations have remarked that the NCA is no more valid due to the military coup. What is the legitimate role of NCA at the moment?

 Saw Mra Yarzar Lin: It cannot be said that NCA has been annulled. It will dissolve only if the government, Hluttaw and the Tatmadaw agreed to do it. Under this political situation, there might be diverse and controversial views  on it.

 TLT: The five NCA signatory EAOs said their efforts to create an all-inclusive political landscape. Could you talk on developments in this trend?

Saw Mra Yarzar Lin: Our country is not stable. We have believed all ethnic people and their armed organizations will take part in peace talks. Ethnic armed groups are being stationed at the border areas. The forces must be united. We will try for all-inclusiveness of EAOs, but every is not easy.

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