Mawlamyine, 22 September

Ethnic Affairs Minister of National League for Democracy passed away on 20 September evening.

Nai Thet Lwin, 83, died from heart attack at Kantharyar hospital in Yangon, according to the sources close to his family.

He served as the minister of civilian government from 2016 to 2021.

He was born of U Lone Tinand Daw Kayut in Letpan village of Kyaikmaraw township, Mon state, in 1940.

He joined political arena at the age of 10 years in 1958, and was one of the founders of Mon National Democratic Front after 1988 uprising in Myanmar.

Nai Thet Lwin served as the vice president of Mon Democracy Party during the term of former President U Thein Sein in 2012, and it was transformed into Mon National Party (MNP) in 2014.

His body was cremated at the Pein Nal Gon graveyard in Mawlamyine on 22 Septembers.

  News—Than Lwin Times

Photo—Social Media  

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