Thayetchaung, 26 September

Three local residents were captured and killed by the junta army amid the battle that broke out near Padauk Gyi old village in Tanintharyi Region’s Thayetchaung Township, according to the members of the local defense forces.

On September 23, the advanced regime forces clashed with the allied resistance forces near Padauk Gyi old village.

The junta troops shot and killed three Karen residents who were taken as guides.

The victims were Saw Dar Du aged 20, Saw Pae Phaw, and 35-year-old Saw Sae War from Padauk Gyi old village.

A member of the People’s Defense Force lost his life in the battle, and the junta set fire to two houses.

Pro-junta Telegram accounts circulated propaganda claiming that the three dead locals were members of the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs).

After the battle, junta army, which burned down the houses to ashes, returned to Thayetchaung, according to the locals.

More than 500 residents from three villages, including Padauk Gyi and Pedak, fled to the nearby forests and safe places to escape the fighting and have not returned to their homes until now.

News-Than Lwin Times

Photo-Social Media

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