Thaton, 28 September
There have been reports of group thefts and robberies in the neighborhoods and public areas in Mon State’s Thaton Township in recent days, as well as a threat to life, raising public concerns, locals told Than Lwin Times.
Group robbers are active not only at night but also in the morning and afternoon, and people’s lives have been threatened in certain cases.
Mob robberies occurred on the Thaton Mya Thabeik mountain road, the old airfield, the Wa Paung dam, and the Thaton-Paung road.
Furthermore, robberies and thefts of phones, wallets, motorcycles, and gold are frequent incidents in the markets and neighborhoods of Thaton.

Locals say that thieves and robbers commit crimes in groups rather than individuals, and they also carry deadly weapons such as knives, daggers, and batons.
Locals complain to the police station about lost items, but little action is taken.
According to local residents, the rule of law has weakened in Mon State since the coup, gangs are stealing, looting, and killing people, and crime is on the rise in most areas.
Because of an increase in thefts and robberies, people in some communities set up their own security measures and take turns providing security to defend themselves from thieves.
News-Than Lwin Times