The junta chief has invited EAOs to join the 8th anniversary commemoration of signing Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement on 15 October. He has sent the invitation to foreign diplomats and representatives of NCA signatories. 

This interview with Comrade Salai Yaw Aung, Central Leading Committee member of ABSDF is about his view on this event, if the ABSDF would join the event, and whether NCA is essential for establishment of federal democracy union.

TLT: As a signatory of NCA, what is the view of ABSDF on the 8th anniversary event of military junta, and will ABSDF join the event if invited?

Comrade Salai Yaw Aung: The ABSDF signed NCA in 2015 during the term of President U Thein Sein. It is not an agreement between the military and our force. Ceasefire was made among the different stakeholders and units.

The coup was staged by the military without any concrete evidence. So, we have not involved in any political movement that support the military after 2021 coup.

We will keep track on this policy. So, the 8th anniversary of NCA is meaningless for us because the military violated the provisions of NCA regardless of their reference to 2008 constitution. The military is the reason of armed conflicts. Concisely, we will not attend the event even if invited.

TLT: The ABSDF left NCA and dialogue with the military, and then joined Spring Revolution after the coup. Do you mean that ABSDF does not need to abide by NCA’s provisions? What is ABSDF’s standpoint on NCA?

 Comrade Salai Yaw Aung: NCA is a historic document. It is difficult to implement it after 2021. So, we cannot imagine the future of ceasefire. The role of existing NCA has ended, and Myanmar is heading to a new political scenario. If the military did not stage coup, the NCA would remain effective. However, if we attend NCA anniversary event of the junta, it is meant to politically recognize them and their coup. We understand NCA is a historic agreement.

TLT:  Is NCA required for resistance forces and EAOs in leading to establish federal democracy Union?

Comrade Salai Yaw Aung: NCA is no more valid in the future for peacemaking process, and we will follow a new political scenario. He (the military chief)  is preparing for NCA anniversary event, and will invite international community to get the image of peace maker although he does not expect genuine peace. If the military has genuine desire for peace, they must withdraw their troops. All political prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi must be released. The military need to take positive approach. The world sees the ongoing crisis in Myanmar. The military is killing people every day across the country. So, we conclude the military does not expect peace. NCA has not been valid, and that we will continue a new political scenario. Thank you.

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